Compactness in a sentence as a noun

The striving for compactness of the source, in both C and Go, makes it misleading to read.

The compactness of hn is pleasant to the eye, and it lets readers scan headlines quickly.

The blog post talks about how to do even better in terms of compactness, through the clever use of Golomb coding.

On modern CPUs it's more about the compactness of code than speed, but on some embedded CPUs you can save a cycle or two this way.

Maybe it makes me sound superficial but that might be what finally makes me switch back from Chrome - the compactness of the Chrome UI is great.

It seems to me that making it enclosed defeats some of the most significant benefits to a bicycle: compactness.

[Note: some of the above quotes have been edited slightly for compactness and clarity, as is common practice in such things.

The compactness of Adium is key. I always set it up to have my friend list as a translucent border free floating window to where it is unobtrusively sticking to the top right hand corner of my screen.

Vector representations can vary wildly in compactness and rendering speed.

What this article also nicely illustrates is the tradeoff between readability and compactness.

This is largely because mathematical notation is designed for compactness, so that mathematicians don't have to write down so much **** when trying to express their ideas.

Its compactness and elegance have made it popular with educators, language designers, programmers, implementors, and hobbyists.

Compactness definitions


the spatial property of being crowded together

See also: concentration density denseness tightness


the consistency of a compact solid