Throbbing in a sentence as a noun

"It's hard to get off to sleep because I hear this throbbing sound in the background.

I find that I sleep like a rock, but have a dull, throbbing headache in the morning.

My wrist is throbbing after watching this video.

Reading all the comments here is giving me a throbbing, phantom pain in my chest.

For example, I stand a lot at work and my feet are throbbing right now from working over the weekend.

Instead of staring down the cookie, they transform it into something with less of a throbbing pull on them.

When the picture on their 50-inch box television started flickering, Mike took off the back panel and found the guts throbbing with ants.

"He had walked several kilometres over pavements, and his varicose ulcer was throbbing.

Throbbing in a sentence as an adjective

?Dustin seems like a smart guy, and the article makes sense and everything, but then my mouse casually tracks across that dot and it starts-a-throbbing, and I'm like "oh **** oh ****, what is this?

It's probably overdue, but I can't actually look at the smaller version of the logo without it hurting my eyes a little as they strain to stop the red square from throbbing.

We're probably going to create a throbbing thing that says "You're supposed to enter a comment here ->" or something.> - When a link is emailed to someone, that link takes them to the post referenced, not the the main page heading.

" But perhaps what is also true is that we ourselves are getting out of the way of technology, adjusting and morphing our selves to adapt to and accommodate it, encouraged all the way by gee-whiz journalism, advertising, and the whole throbbing.

For a tolerant, civil, agreeable collection of intelligent human beings who are interested in perusing anti-global warming literature while taking your throbbing martyr complex into nuanced account at every step of the way, please navigate to about:blank.

There's nothing wrong with either of those.---I honestly wonder how far up your _ss your head has to be to completely ignore just how saturated the feminist community is with terms designed to objectify, marginalize, belittle, and disparage specifically men, and just how many of the highest regarded figureheads of the community are throbbing c_nts whose only goal in life is to find a modicum of self worth by pandering to the most cliche stereotype of fragile, vulnerable femininity.---See?

That's why it's called "pick up artistry": because you're picking up conversations!Wait...---I honestly wonder how far up your *** your head has to be to completely ignore just how saturated the PUA community is with terms designed to objectify, marginalize, belittle, and disparage specifically women, and just how many of the highest regarded figureheads of the community are throbbing dickholes whose only goal in life is to find a modicum of self worth by pandering to the most cliche stereotype of traditional, toxic masculinity.

Throbbing definitions


an instance of rapid strong pulsation (of the heart); "he felt a throbbing in his head"

See also: throb pounding


a sound with a strong rhythmic beat; "the throbbing of the engines"


pounding or beating strongly or violently; "a throbbing pain"; "the throbbing engine of the boat"