Varicose in a sentence as an adjective

Standing for long periods may give you varicose veins.

So standing is a rick factor for the development of varicose veins.

I know it's a sample of 1, but the female barber I visited the last time does in fact have visible varicose veins.

Bothe ended up with terrible varicose veins, crazy lower leg cramps, feelings of heat and water running down their legs.

If you stand without moving, you are at risk of varicose veins and such things, but this effect is much reduced if you are dancing at the same time.

What research is there on people standing all day getting varicose veins and the negatives of that versus sitting all day and the negatives of that?

I'm not gonna write your goddamn binary tree pricing algorithm or remove your varicose veins or argue about some dull point of legal text in court.

"He had walked several kilometres over pavements, and his varicose ulcer was throbbing.

Standing position is giving to much stress on the keens and develops things like atherosclerosis, hip arthritis, varicose veins...

"Individuals spending most of the day on their feet every working day are at greater risk of health problems including varicose veins, poor circulation and swelling in the feet and legs, foot problems, joint damage, heart and circulatory problems and pregnancy difficulties.

Varicose definitions


abnormally swollen or knotty; "varicose veins"