Sympathize in a sentence as a verb

I sympathize with that point, but there's more to it than "what about teh menz?

I sympathize with "Now I've written the whole thing: For Christ's sake give me a drink.

Or maybe it's upsetting to think about... that I sympathize with...

It really sucks, and I sympathize with you, but that's the nature of the disorder.

I sympathize with whoever criticized the guy for loud typing.

" He strikes me as a guy trying to do the right thing and going about it the wrong way, and I sympathize with him a whole lot.

Although this is an extreme example, I sympathize and often have feelings like this.

I can sympathize because frankly so can I. I went through a period of taking 10 interviewees to lunch.

I sympathize with those affected, from those who lost friends and family to the thousands who were not allowed to finish the race.

I'm stuck with Comcast because I need a cable modem for my business so while I sympathize with the cause, I won't be be adding my name to the list.

While I sympathize with you, understand that child development is a very, very complicated thing.

I like beef, but I sympathize for a fellow mammal and think of the enormous amounts of diverted water and fertilizer runoff that goes in to producing feed.

How was property owner supposed to respond when told he must get rid of the illegal dwelling, but also told he can't evict the tenant?I mostly sympathize with the property owner here.

They certainly ought not be removed from existence on anyone's personal whim, original author or not, no matter how much we sympathize with his situation, whatever that might be.

I sympathize with why the mods changed the title from "Porn" to "Video", but now you've made it so that HN users are unwittingly clicking into an article that talks about porn, in such a way that could be detected by a workplace firewall.

Sympathize definitions


share the feelings of; understand the sentiments of

See also: sympathise


be understanding of; "You don't need to explain--I understand!"

See also: sympathise empathize empathise understand


to feel or express sympathy or compassion

See also: commiserate sympathise