Empathize in a sentence as a verb

It's not a fun experience so I can empathize with anyone that has been through it and isn't the same after.

I empathize with Dave here, people take one look at my last name and assume that I'm punctual and predictable.

It's a bit unnerving, but helps me empathize with first-time computer users.

In case it needs to be said, Oracle is a corporate sociopath -- it cannot empathize.

I empathize with the comments from the folks who are already heavily invested in Rails.

Its very important to be able to empathize with people, and be able to know their stories, this is the only way to build great things that people love.

A quick scan of jigneshg's past comments reveals that they are definitely not a native English speaker, and as was pointed out above, in Indian culture, this is a perfectly polite way to empathize with another's suffering.

As someone using them in these two different ways I empathize with the author especially when it comes to my app as I don't want the ads associated with anything I'm personally doing but at the same time I'm not blaming Disqus either.

I didn't learn the 101 little tricks to make interacting with frustrating people that little bit easier, I didn't learn to empathize with people less smart than me and I didn't develop the social intelligence that I believe is vital for long-term success.

On it's face, it might be a reasonable response, but knowing what we know about RMS, it just shows more of his lack of humility, ability to empathize with others and general disconnectedness from the "movement" and "community".As someone might say in war time, RMS is a general for a different type of fight...he is ill equipped to handle the current one.

is where I continue to rant about how scary the ability to rewrite commits is while demonstrating that I have little to no actual experience with git, or a single bad experience that I'm extrapolating from>.In general, I find that I can empathize with people that get worked up over "git sucks" rants, because for the most part they either make no compelling arguments, or they bury a couple of compelling arguments under a ton of unstructured ranting about strawmen.

Empathize definitions


be understanding of; "You don't need to explain--I understand!"

See also: sympathize sympathise empathise understand