Empathise in a sentence as a verb

Lots of negativity here, and I can empathise with some of it.

While I empathise, I have very little sympathy for people panicking when github gets DDoSed again.

It's fascinating to see photos from that far back in colour, it somehow makes it easier to empathise with the people in the shots.

Of all the experiments Ive ever performed western blots are probably my most hated and for that I empathise with the doctor.

These are experiences that non-impaired individuals can empathise with, but they have not experienced it.

While I empathise withe guy and understand his discomfiture at being discovered, I don't have any particular problems with the ethics of the piece.

Serious question: Why do so many people empathise with McAfee's plight?From where I stand he looks like wealthy man who lost direction, turned to ***** and likely killed a man.

A real Mondrian is much better than you would expect based on pictures, because it's possible to empathise and "feel" how the artist made his brush strokes, the emotion behind it.

One example of this are lawyers trying to empathise more with their fixed fee clients' business strategy and point out legal pitfalls before they happen - wow a proactive lawyer!

You might be at the verge of committing ******* and you need help... and than you notice that some people confuse the term psychotic with psychopathic - they think you are a psychopath and they expect inability to empathise, willingness to hurt people etc. - get it?You don't label cancer patients as psychopaths and you should not do it with other illnesses like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

I empathise to some extent as I know it's hard to build a technical business, but this didn't address the trust issues, and I'm still no clearer about whether Monday morning we're still expected to license from them?Worst of all for me, I now have a damaged relationship with a not particularly technical client who sadly is likely to associate "open source" with "legal problems".

Empathise definitions


be understanding of; "You don't need to explain--I understand!"

See also: sympathize sympathise empathize understand