Sympathise in a sentence as a verb

I sympathise with your goals but you're being a ******.

Bit harsh, but I sympathise with your frustration.

I sympathise if that was the case, but people should remember what the second 'A' stands for.

Does anyone else feel that OS X has gone downhill since Snow Leopard?I can sympathise with much if not all of what this guy is saying.

I sympathise with the developers plight and this is a reason why I haven't wanted to get into App development.

Hey, I understand what you are saying - and I sympathise, but at the end of the day there are clear, solid reasons why I cannot trust an ex NSA employee.

Sure, I can sympathise with the "you are messing with history" argument, but I find it challenging to believe that I actually care that you commented last.

I sympathise with the issue he's trying to draw attention to, but his hysterical over the top utterance doesn't reflect positively on him as a CEO.

I like to sympathise with sensitive people - I think Tolkien was clearly a very sensitive, quiet, private man, and Christopher similarly.

' I can sympathise that people who don't fathom the concept of individuality in learning may struggle to understand the line between what we accept as cheating and not cheating.

While I understand and sympathise with the compulsion to resist surveillance in this practical, technological way, I think it might be the wrong reaction to the information.

From Slashdot: "Seriously though, as someone who has a hearing range beyond the standard I sympathise with people forced to endure irritating stimuli that noone else notices and hence cares about.

> More simply want better customer service than British GPs tend to provide, with their brief consultations and frustrating systems for booking appointmentsI can definitely sympathise with this, although it isn't a UK wide problem.

I sympathise with the fact that Debian considers itself the "universal operating system" but there are limits and the Debian developers have to consider the impact of their support decisions on their major consumer: the Linux OS.

Banking, photo management or video conferencing in the browser a great experience, really?I sympathise with this article, and even though web applications have come a long way, I'm sometimes amazed by the collective cognitive dissonance that seems to be prevalent among people who develop web applications, pretending that all is fine and dandy in web application land, and we've long surpassed the point where web applications provide better experience than good native applications.

Sympathise definitions


share the feelings of; understand the sentiments of

See also: sympathize


to feel or express sympathy or compassion

See also: commiserate sympathize


be understanding of; "You don't need to explain--I understand!"

See also: sympathize empathize empathise understand