Mammal in a sentence as a noun

We are the only one among about 5500 known mammal species who do it.

A sheep is a large mammal, so I'll assume that it has a gestation period around 9 months.

What they ought to do, of course, is what any ordinary mammal does when their offspring goes too far - smack them.

But from the zoo keepers I've met, that mammal breakdown is true for most of the felines and primates as well.

I'm a mammal, I can afford coats, scarves, cappuccino and rosy cheeked women"Bill Hicks

What does an octopus, which has a nervous system entirely unlike a mammal or fish, feel when going about their day?

Ponder this question: what other mammals in the whole animal kingdom drink their water together with their solid meals?

The largest reversibly-cryopreserved chunk of mammal so far has been a rabbit kidney.

I'm more bullish on the web being around 100 years from now in some recognizable form than I am on quite a few nation states or species of mammal.

No mammal simply hoards every calorie it can get without homeostatic feedback.

Surely I can write a blog post in which I link directly to the methods section of this famous work, which contains the first-ever working recipe for cloning an entire mammal?

I like beef, but I sympathize for a fellow mammal and think of the enormous amounts of diverted water and fertilizer runoff that goes in to producing feed.

They're effectively intelligent rational agents without the natural mammal-evolved desire to benefit the group -- they only seek to benefit the self.

And for the love of god, do not give out modelling assignments where "Human inherits mammal" is an answer.- DO start with collections: Vector, List, Stack etc. are easy to implement and showcase the virtues of encapsulating.- DO teach polymorphism, but only in terms of interface inheritance.

Mammal definitions


any warm-blooded vertebrate having the skin more or less covered with hair; young are born alive except for the small subclass of monotremes and nourished with milk

See also: mammalian