Sticker in a sentence as a noun

I often go to check them out, and it's a plastic shell with a sticker for a screen.

"One of the ideas they have is, for anybody who is willing, to put a BlueHackers sticker on their laptop.

She then proceeds to negotiate several hundred dollars of the sticker price.

I wonder why the shops that sell these don't put a sticker on them saying something like 'two out of the seven Euro are a levy'.

I'll just go cover up the one at my bank with a sticker of the same exact size that links to my own site that looks exactly like the bank's site.

It read like someone who got a car that had a 30MPG sticker on the window, put in exactly 10 gallons of gas and planned a trip of exactly 300 miles.

The weekly invoicing helps new clients understand how much software costs, and prevents sticker shock weeks after the project has begun.

Otherwise, B&N wouldn't be able to place a "20% off" sticker on bestselling titles, or offer large discounts to move remaindered stock.

You could design the most beautiful car in the world without dramatically changing the sticker price for the finished product.

It is completely disingenuous for Ortiz to maintain that 35 years/$1M wasn't the threat on the table, that we are rubes for thinking that this sticker price was material.

Heh and then comes the gas surcharge and the waiting penalty and before long they have to put a sticker in the window with all these fees enumerated, and there will also be so many ubers that they'll have to put little signs on top so you can tell which one is taken and which isn't.

Sticker definitions


a small sharp-pointed tip resembling a spike on a stem or leaf

See also: spine thorn prickle pricker spikelet


an adhesive label

See also: paster


a particularly difficult or baffling question or problem

See also: poser stumper toughie


a short knife with a pointed blade used for piercing or stabbing

See also: dagger