Paster in a sentence as a noun

The copy paster url had this to say about me "It seems you didn't save the word.

It has a flying paster, like a big printing press, so you can change rolls without a shutdown.

New project I'm working on. Wanted to make a site that's as simple as an image uploader or a code paster, but for click testing.

Yeah, paster is awesome, esp since there's so many great skeletons on PyPi already.

When this is pip-installed into a virtualenv, you can `cat` the "paster" executable.

And then you go on to provide me a source that calls Denmark Dutch multiple times... Måske du lige skulle læse det igennem du copy-paster?Tax havens are places that are recognised as such.

Additionally, through paster I've been able to create custom empty project templates to easily get started on projects.

If a long and detailed list made the job of corporate copy-and-paster hard, imagine potential customer confusion.

And yet it's terrible to program in for a seasoned developer because the community is so chock full of artists and amateurs who just dipped their toe in to add some minimal interactivity to their drawings that you often have a hard time finding docs that are written above the copy/paster level.

Paster definitions


a workman who pastes


an adhesive label

See also: sticker