Dagger in a sentence as a noun

But then Morozov thrusts a dagger into that wound for a subset of people.

But you want to see some real cloak and dagger ****, read about commodities.

ShrugThere really is no story here which makes the cloak and dagger theories even more funny.

If you did that some people would regard the dagger as the perfect place to attach their mobile phone on long journeys.

And perhaps I've just not seen enough of the world, but I've gotten along just fine without having to resort to cloak-and-dagger behavior everywhere I go. Sure, checkpoints happen in some places.

Obama during his candidacy was the most opposed to this cloak and dagger stuff, and then he got elected and became one of the most secretive presidents ever.

I really want to believe it works, but this cloak and dagger stuff is killing me. Anonymous customer, technical glitch preventing it from generating the advertised megawatt, connected power cable?

The industry joke at the time this research came out was that if the regulators were serious about auto safety they should mandate a sharp dagger sticking out from the steering wheel aim directly at the driver's chest.

Dagger definitions


a short knife with a pointed blade used for piercing or stabbing

See also: sticker


a character used in printing to indicate a cross reference or footnote

See also: obelisk