Splattering in a sentence as a noun

With the addition of a fair splattering of warning labels.

When the thing bursts and sends liquid splattering all about... would you prefer it to be water with dry ice?

I wholly agree that splattering chrome over a terminal isn't the best way forward.

Yes, these vanity web sites are pretty but don't get carried away with splattering the page with design.

That isn't games, passmark is a wide splattering of applications, some of which clearly benefit from threading.

You can say they're not christians, and I'd even fancy your definition, but they would beg to differ, splattering Jesus on your face.

They also work with fluid dynamics data for a consumer products company, to make sure your toothpaste comes out of the tube without splattering, etc. All seem like "simulations" to me. But I don't know.

Sigh - expressing one's individuality by splattering brand logos all over one's profile?

As a DJ myself, at my residency we have a random splattering of strange movie clips that we just play and they are never beat matched but mentally something "always" hits a beat when you are watching it. I guess he's going for stuff actually changing in musical time.

I haven't kept up with this because the professional world doesn't look kindly on developers who are splattering ink across a page when they "should" be coding, but it was very helpful in my college years.

Like another poster above, I was thinking I need to be ready to call 911, but wanting to be far enough away not to be hit by splattering metal or any surprise voltage gradients in the soil.

That's true regardless of whether you're using a naive "locks and blocks" model or a sophisticated functional/CSP/actor model, and splattering that state across multiple stacks/continuations doesn't exactly make debugging easier.

"That's true regardless of whether you're using a naive "locks and blocks" model or a sophisticated functional/CSP/actor model, and splattering that state across multiple stacks/continuations doesn't exactly make debugging easier.

It's essentially Hofstadter splattering his young and brilliant mind onto the printed page - drawing connections between the principles and intermingling Pythonesque dialogs and treating the whole thing seriously is absurd.

Splattering definitions


the noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively; "he heard a spatter of gunfire"

See also: spatter spattering splatter sputter splutter sputtering


the act of splashing a (liquid) substance on a surface

See also: spatter spattering splash splashing