Splutter in a sentence as a noun

Without a straw I am likely to choke, splutter, and/or spill my drink down my front.

"all throughout history, the future has turned out to be better"splutter Just...no. 1913?

It's splutter a bit for around a km or so - and eventually stop if you don't switch from main to reserve in time.

It is a great language for putting together robust performance software as much as it is a playground for heinous DSP graphs which can break, splutter and fail.

Splutter in a sentence as a verb

I routinely see VS splutter and die on smallish front-end projects when it runs like butter on six-figure LOC .NET and C++ solutions with dozens and dozens of projects.

If other people suggesting that, hey, maybe we should actually be able to express a number correctly makes you splutter about "vogons" or whatever, perhaps it is not they who should take a step back.

"you always splutter about how unfair it is and how much it's used for leverage against defendants"Most defendants never have a jury trial, because they are pressured into taking a plea bargain.

Splutter definitions


the noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively; "he heard a spatter of gunfire"

See also: spatter spattering splatter splattering sputter sputtering


an utterance (of words) with spitting sounds (as in rage)

See also: sputter


utter with a spitting sound, as if in a rage

See also: sputter


spit up in an explosive manner

See also: sputter