Spattering in a sentence as a noun

HF spattering on a webcam lens means a loss of $50.

Random posts with a spattering of comments don't have any of that.

There's a spattering of tiny little issues I have throughout the post - perhaps I'll blog about it.

Now literally the first 5 or so rows of content on the home page is a random spattering of "originals".

I've learned a lot: much more than I thought possible from the random spattering of techie-events I've attended.

It is also my beef with the word 'creator' as used online, which is, designers and graphic artists with a spattering of Youtubers.

Being driven away is exactly why rules and legislations like these exist, so that no one has to "walk away" because of hateful people spattering their ********.

And a strong contingent, myself included, do not want a hybrid world where type annotations are optional, spattering redundancies all over our syntax.

When that model is presented in the form of a spattering of specifications, understanding and mapping to that model can be really laborious .

Then again, I used it in an iterative fashion, do something simple -S, do the same thing -S -O1, -S -O2, -S O3, and then a spattering of the different optimization techniques to see how it converted the C to assembly.

On the other hand, such revelations in general aren't all that new or rare - the most recent one probably being about US spying on UN diplomats just a couple of years ago. Beside light spattering of egg on some faces and a bit of ritualized indignant posturing, though, this sort of thing doesn't seem to cause much lasting damage to the global system of international diplomacy, probably because everyone knows everyone is doing it.

Spattering definitions


the noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively; "he heard a spatter of gunfire"

See also: spatter splatter splattering sputter splutter sputtering


the act of splashing a (liquid) substance on a surface

See also: spatter splash splashing splattering