Specialty in a sentence as a noun

Having >50% gross profit is on par for low-scale, specialty products.

For example, you visit a product page for some specialty shampoo.

That takes hard work and, while a joy to the one coming at it from a specialty angle, is off-putting to many modern readers or even writers.

Is that not what HN is about?There is probably an Amdahl's Law style limit to this approach where certain expensive specialty care does not benefit from this type of parallelization.

Yet traditionally, regulatory crimes usually applied only to citizens in specialty occupations, who might be expected to be familiar with applicable regulatory law.

Specialty definitions


an asset of special worth or utility; "cooking is his forte"

See also: forte metier speciality strength


a distinguishing trait

See also: peculiarity specialness speciality distinctiveness


the special line of work you have adopted as your career; "his specialization is gastroenterology"

See also: specialization specialisation speciality specialism