Peculiarity in a sentence as a noun

But another peculiarity of the ITC is that its rulings can be waived by the president.

Like I said, with JS app paradigms seem like afterthoughts and each peculiarity wore me down further and further.

Is it common to use metric system when launching rockets to space or is it a peculiarity of SpaceX?

I believe Scala now contains special code in the compiler just to support this peculiarity in the Android API.

It is a peculiarity of French administrative law.

You can find seasoned Erlangers complaining about it's peculiarity often, whether they'll admit it's a problem or not.

Another peculiarity of the UK market is that a lot of property trading are just leaseholds, so you don't even really own the house after you "buy" it.

Savings - 25%\n\nBut his living expenses category seems to exclude housing costs - is there some cultural peculiarity that accounts for that?

Usually, in Germany it's quite the same as in the US: Most high-profile politicians are lawyers or - a German peculiarity - former teachers.

The only peculiarity is that the author of the work is given a very wide latitude to decide what uses of their work are "harmful" to them -- but this is probably the only way to avoid massive legal complications.

A peculiarity of local geography is that we find that the two Costco stores at our end of the Twin Cities metropolitan area are just never on our way to anywhere else, so we let our Costco membership lapse after just one year.

"The judge then goes on to say:"Before I leave this topic, there is one further peculiarity about the form in which the warrants were sought and issued which I record: the applications did not extend to racketeering, or to conspiracy to commit copyright infringement.

But as long as "the nerd" is presented as some kind of peculiarity of society, as long as we get described with the same stereotypes again and again, as long as we're not accepted the way we are, I think it's worth pointing out that we don't like to be stared at, we don't like to be laughed at, and we don't like to be labeled.

Peculiarity definitions


an odd or unusual characteristic


a distinguishing trait

See also: specialness specialty speciality distinctiveness


something unusual -- perhaps worthy of collecting

See also: curio curiosity oddity oddment rarity