Speciality in a sentence as a noun

If you have the mind for it learning a language and applying it to problems in your speciality isn't hard and can be done outside a class.

The point is not to be hired because of your particular speciality, the point is to earn the highest "license to practice science".

If you take our current spending rate, that would pay for the Obama/Bush administrations speciality purchases for ~4 hours.

I don't work in finance, and I can't tell you if anyone is looking for FP developers in your particular speciality.

PhD in computer science, statistics, or related field with speciality in quantitative methods preferred.

Once the students reach the surface of the sphere, they have understood everything that is known to mankind about some specific series of subjects within their speciality.

> About 99% of all devices "just work" out of the box, the other 1% either are very obscure/specialty hardware, or are new hardwareWell if you count most GPUs under speciality hardware then I guess you're right, but most people don't. And most linux GPU drivers still pale in comparison to their Windows versions.

Are there plumbing pages where people teach their children to plumb, or dry-walling speciality sites where folks discuss how to get their kids into plasterwork?That sort of thing is quite popular with Boy Scouts and the like.

Speciality definitions


an asset of special worth or utility; "cooking is his forte"

See also: forte metier specialty strength


a distinguishing trait

See also: peculiarity specialness specialty distinctiveness


the special line of work you have adopted as your career; "his specialization is gastroenterology"

See also: specialization specialisation specialty specialism