Forte in a sentence as a noun

If knives are your forte, surely you should use it?

That boss came from sales, and I think that's really Ballmer's forte.

DEC's forte at the time was CPUs, most of the rest wasn't so hot, but it was all good enough.

But then again, social has never been Google's forte has it.

Forte in a sentence as an adjective

I wish I had suggestions to give instead of just criticisms but design really isn't my forte.

If Ruby is your forte, surely you should use it?If you're familiar with knives why not bring a knife to a gun fight?

Network programming and embedded devices are both not my forte, but this headline grabbed me. Can't take back my upvote now!

This is looking an awful lot like more superficial changes, which seems to be Microsoft's forte of late.

Forte in a sentence as an adverb

As I mentioned in the post, programming competitions aren't my forte, and I have a lot to learn in that arena.

It also does not utilize obfuscated and constantly changing object code formats, which is MS's forte.

For example, originally the "correct" pronunciation of the word "forte" was "fort", however most people think and use "fortay".

If Ruby is your forte, surely you should use it?I fail to see how "magic" properties of a language matter if you've got reasonable algorithmic chops and focus on solving the problems rather than trying to be clever.

Forte definitions


an asset of special worth or utility; "cooking is his forte"

See also: metier specialty speciality strength


(music) loud

See also: fortissimo


the stronger part of a sword blade between the hilt and the foible


used chiefly as a direction or description in music; "the forte passages in the composition"

See also: loud


used as a direction in music; to be played relatively loudly

See also: loudly