Shitty in a sentence as an adjective

While you do, you make them agree to give back all of the money they stole under shitty terms.

Our desk merged with the rest of the firm's shitty culture when he was fired for being too ambitious.

If Google had told them to wipe their ******* feet off before tracking shitty culture into the place, it might have survived.

Your shitty company brought this upon itself and there is nothing to discuss until it stops being the NSA's *****.

It's like buying a sports car and putting shitty watered down gas in it and complaining about how the car doesn't perform like it should.

To be honest, being an early employee is a lottery ticket and, generally speaking, a shitty deal.

To an outsider, the 8-bit stuff could just seem like shitty graphics, but to many insiders it's awesome and nostalgic and charming.

People ***** about how hard it is to find good developers and yet hire talented developers but put them in shitty positions.

" - We'll cheap out at every opportunity, buying shitty hardware and cheap services, because it's not us that has to fix it when it's 2am Christmas morning.

Were it not for customer apathy, I'd like to think your entire shitty company would have been ****** out of existence by now for what they continue to do.

Preferably something that someone else is already paying money for but that the incumbent product is shitty or lacking in some major way.

And I'm not talking about criticism, I'm talking about needless mean, shitty behavior that gets repeated and defended all too often.

Instead of whining on the bug tracker or hunting for shitty workarounds... open up the library source, delete the bug, make a diff, and send that to the project maintainers with a note like, "I was trying to call foobar, but it segfaults because bazquux is off by one.

Shitty definitions


very bad; "a lousy play"; "it's a stinking world"

See also: icky crappy lousy rotten stinking stinky