Rotten in a sentence as an adjective

You need look no further than this question to see that something is rotten in the state of Stack Exchange.

The vast majority were rotten, rotten games that were plain unfun from the title screen through to the end credits.

The really rotten parts can even be replaced with mocks for the short-term, if an interface can be defined.

It's an attitude that reflects something deeply rotten about you as a human being.

Calling Facebook 'rotten-to-the-core' isn't a great way to capture the sympathy of its CEO.

This line of reasoning is the same as saying we cannot test for rotten apples only, we can only test if all fruit is rotten.

They seem to be trying to sell him on a rotten deal because they think it's just such a privilege to work on their golden idea that they don't need to compensate properly.

I know America is nowhere close to being a socialist country, but one cannot be so oblivious to the fact that something here is rotten from the foundation.

"The original cliche refers to a phenomenon where overripe or rotten apples release ethylene gas, which is a ripening agent.

Schadenzyngafreude: The good, but somewhat guilty feeling of pleasure in being right about an overhyped venture in what everyone knows is a rotten market segment.

It is topped off by a stinking pile that is a lack of respect for anybody's intellectual property except Hollywood's and a rotten cherry of government seizure that prevents somebody from defending themselves in court.

Rotten definitions


very bad; "a lousy play"; "it's a stinking world"

See also: icky crappy lousy shitty stinking stinky


damaged by decay; hence unsound and useless; "rotten floor boards"; "rotted beams"; "a decayed foundation"

See also: decayed rotted


having decayed or disintegrated; usually implies foulness; "dead and rotten in his grave"