Lousy in a sentence as an adjective

I filled out a message and sent it on its way but that's a pretty lousy system.

Still can't figure out, month after month, how this lousy company is still in business.

Unfortunately, many of us have no other choice but their lousy broadband product.

This is an unbelievable outcome that illustrates that great good can come even from lousy things that people do.

You want to fire them and hire better ones, but before you do that you have to ask why you had so many lousy programmers in the first place.

That checkbox alone plays a big role in turning online dating from a lousy situation into a bearable one.

It doesn't matter how lousy a programmer you are, you can still transform an industry by simple merit of being the first person to seriously write software for it.

" I had enough standing among this larger circle to help slow down the rumors and witch-hunting until things got sorted out, which happened quickly after Friend of GirlFriend admitted it was just a lousy story.

While I know a few extremely capable medics who have a lousy bedside manner, every medic I know who seems to genuinely care about their patients is a top-notch medical provider.

Hard work, even lousy forms of work, can be precisely the sort of thing that allows you to develop into someone who has the talent and character to be able to do the extraordinary things you might love.

Part of the problem is that if companies hire on the basis of course completion certificates rather than on the basis of demonstrated competence, they will miss out on good workers, and yet hire some lousy workers, and thus be reluctant to offer competitive starting wages.

Most of the time we don't discuss the policies of countries other than the United States in new submissions to HN, even though HN is an international forum, because most countries are lousy enough to be entrepreneurs in and lousy enough to live in that no one on HN wants to immigrate to those countries.

Lousy definitions


very bad; "a lousy play"; "it's a stinking world"

See also: icky crappy rotten shitty stinking stinky


infested with lice; "burned their lousy clothes"


vile; despicable; "a dirty (or lousy) trick"; "a filthy traitor"

See also: dirty filthy