Settlement in a sentence as a noun

"What Justin should get is sent home with an apology, and perhaps a nice settlement check down the road.

Instead there is a protocol of credits and debits and a settlement process to work out the exceptions.

The FTC has investigated, and the settlement is zero money and zero penalties.

The ratio of the stock value to cash payment that made up the original settlement was not coincidental.

[1] The criminal charges from that case were dropped as part of a settlement, but that's an entirely separate contoversy.

"Take the nubmer of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probabilty rate of failure, B, multiply by the average ouf-of-court settlement, C.

Had the settlement been set aside, the liability overhang would very likely have messed up its IPO, among other serious consequences.

However, a settlement doesn't change the fact that Evan Spiegel really went out of his way to intentionally screw the guy that actually invented Snapchat's model - and seemed to enjoy doing it.

In plaintiffs' practice, likewise, I was always a strong advocate of standing upon principle and taking cases all the way to judgment, even when substantial offers of settlement were on the table.

Also, asset forfeiture revenue from traffic stops must be donated to non-profit organizations, or used to pay for the officer training required by the settlement.

That was the gamble apparently made by the Winklevoss brothers - that they would be able to exact a much larger settlement as a result of their leverage obtained from having the issues re-opened.

These hit-and-run settlements depend fundamentally on the compliance of isolated companies.

If Monster Cable proceeds with litigation against me I will pursue the same merits-driven approach; I do not compromise with bullies and I would rather spend fifty thousand dollars on defense than give you a dollar of unmerited settlement funds.

In the modern commercial era, though, and especially in the federal courts, this approach of letting the parties run wild leads to many problems of case management and opens up the door to abuse for aggressive litigants who throw power and money around freely as a means of enlarging the settlement value of their cases.

Settlement definitions


a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland; inhabitants remain nationals of their home state but are not literally under the home state's system of government; "the American colony in Paris"

See also: colony


a community of people smaller than a town

See also: village


a conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of it


the act of colonizing; the establishment of colonies; "the British colonization of America"

See also: colonization colonisation


something settled or resolved; the outcome of decision making; "they finally reached a settlement with the union"; "they never did achieve a final resolution of their differences"; "he needed to grieve before he could achieve a sense of closure"

See also: resolution closure


an area where a group of families live together


termination of a business operation by using its assets to discharge its liabilities

See also: liquidation