Colony in a sentence as a noun

One of the best non-chemical ways to treat a colony is to dust it with powdered sugar or lay petroleum jelly in dishes out.

It's reminiscent of what startups used to be, before the VC-funded ecosystem became MBA Culture's west coast colony.

Obtaining its global minimum is an NP hard problem and has been a target for GA, ant colony, swarm optimization and what have you.

As we've seen in the last couple of weeks, Europe is basically a US colony and Germany in particular is not a true sovereign state.

At that time, Earth had established many colony planets throughout the galaxy, and many of these had become independent.

"- "People with leprosy are treated as untouchables ... Every month, people from the leprosy colony travel to the city to beg. Once they have enough money to buy food and clothing for the month, they go back to the colony.

I suspect that once we see how hard it is to build a self-sustaining extra terrestrial colony, we'll come to appreciate what we have even more.

As a historical anecdote, this was also the site of the Darien Disaster in the late 1690s: the plan was to build a Scottish colony, but it didn't go well.

If someone on Mars manages to, say, contaminate the colony's water supply, all we can do is record farewell messages for loved ones and deal with the bad publicity for decades.

If that's not ambitious enough, please try attempting to terraform a desert, or establishing a colony under the ocean or on top of K2, or constructing a city that's mostly buried underground.

Every time that this argument is made, I can't help but wonder if the mere existence of a sustainable off-world colony would cause humans on Earth to give even less of a damn about maintaining a habitable planet.

There are a lot of stressors on bees: parasites, disease, pesticides, commercial migration, etc. CCD, however, is a very specific condition: In simplest terms, the colony just disappears entirely.

Colony definitions


a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland; inhabitants remain nationals of their home state but are not literally under the home state's system of government; "the American colony in Paris"

See also: settlement


a group of organisms of the same type living or growing together


one of the 13 British colonies that formed the original states of the United States

See also: Colony


a place where a group of people with the same interest or occupation are concentrated; "a nudist colony"; "an artists' colony"


a geographical area politically controlled by a distant country

See also: dependency


(microbiology) a group of organisms grown from a single parent cell