Compliance in a sentence as a noun

It refuses to comply with local laws because this lets it avoid the costs of compliance.

A lot of people are very confused about FDAs position on this, said John Murray Jr., a software compliance expert at the agency.

They have to make a browser that beats every other browser in it's standards compliance, stability and performance.

Large companies have to worry about compliance, document retention, etc.

They'd have to negotiate and sign compliance agreements with a raft of DRM providers just to be fully standards-compliant and interoperable.

It includes violent arrest tactics; police are trained in "pain compliance" techniques, which include spraying pepper spray into protesters eyes, and forcing their eyes open to do so.

These hit-and-run settlements depend fundamentally on the compliance of isolated companies.

Your registered keys with any such balance will be blacklisted, making your previously-registered balances unspendable until you come back into compliance.

When I was working for a contractor installing and fixing servers at various plants and facilities, the only union workers who actively appeared to be doing their jobs were the union work rules compliance guys, who hovered over us to see if there was any possible way to file a grievance over violations of the "work rules".

[1] Clearly the judge hasn't ever submitted an iOS app for review?And to people who don't understand why Apple are held to be in "non-compliance" despite copying verbatim the extract from the judgment: it was because of how "snarky" Apple were.- Saying their device is much more popular.- Signing off by disregarding the purpose of the statement: "Samsung willfully copied Apple's far more popular iPad.

Compliance definitions


acting according to certain accepted standards; "their financial statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting practices"

See also: conformity conformation abidance


a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others

See also: complaisance compliancy obligingness deference


the act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another

See also: submission