Scrotum in a sentence as a noun

Ha, isnt coinpurse a slang term for a scrotum?

I keep it on a shelf at scrotum height underneath my desk."

2 months ago at the same airport I got the full-on scrotum poke.

This is also why VC-istan sucks Hitler's necrotic scrotum. VCs collude and decide, as a group, who's hot and who's not.

Lastly, being a man, the idea of someone putting forceps in my scrotum gives me the willies. Just sayin'.

Uhm, it involves cutting open your scrotum. The idea that people will casually do this is ...

My guess is that they're too embarrassed to just say "we think a terrorist might sew a grenade inside his scrotum."

I keep it on a shelf at scrotum height underneath my desk. I literally need to type bundle exec every single time I want to scratch my balls.

I find it amusing that when specifying a symptom of "Mass in scrotum" the website sees the need to ask me if I'm male or female.

The scrotum isn't "cut open". It's a pinhole-size incision.

While putting forceps into my scrotum also gives me the willies I am more than willing to get the procedure done. I think this is more a secondary defense.

If I pierce my scrotum a hundred times should I get kudos? No of course not, just doing something uncomfortable for no reason isn't admirable.

What's so special about the scrotum versus another part of your body? People regularly punch holes through their ears and other parts of their skin, and even get their children to do the same.

When you're in a back room with your clothes on the floor, being asked to lift your scrotum and spread your butt cheeks, you're being strip searched. The MM machines are annoying, invasive and potentially harmful, but saying it's analogous to being strip searched doesn't help the cause.

I would totally cringe at something called "Jock Strap" or "scrotum" or "********". Tampon isn't just a feminine word like "flower" or "butterfly", it's biological and personal."

They could just cram it all on a MicroSD and put it under their tongue, or between their butt crack, super glued behind their scrotum, lodged up into their vagina, buried in their ******, etc... .

For those who aren't interested in seeing a picture of a scrotum being operated on, the technique described is a polymer that is injected into the vas deferens. As sperm pass the polymer, their membranes and tails are damaged.

I would totally give you kudos for piercing your scrotum a hundred times. From the people I know in the body modification community, genital modification can be a very spiritual experience.

Scrotum definitions


the external pouch that contains the testes