Analogous in a sentence as an adjective

We feel thats a conflict of interest, analogous to taking money for search results.

I truly believe this is analogous to C64 days back then.- School started today, he's moved to another school this year.

This business model isn't analogous to "promoted tweets" or "Twitter ads".

It's analogous to "email spam".You're a spammer essentially.

Programming isn't analogous to math, programming is a communication language with really strict rules that uses math of all stages.

Valid comment but its analogous to claiming peanutbutter cups aren't novel because peanut butter and chocolate were both well known.

But the sorts of circumstances that guys face, while there are some correlations, are not analogous problems to the problems that women face in fields in which they are the minority.

The water itself is analogous to electrical charge, the pressure at the input of the pipe is similar to voltage, and the rate of flow of the water through the pipe is like electrical current.

The analogous movements of today has unprecedented access to spreading their ideas through blogs and websites and social media and petition sites and collaboration services and who knows what else - most of it available instantly and almost or entirely free.

Analogous definitions


similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar; "brains and computers are often considered analogous"; "salmon roe is marketed as analogous to caviar"

See also: correspondent


corresponding in function but not in evolutionary origin; "the wings of a bee and those of a hummingbird are analogous"