Polyploid in a sentence as a noun

I didn't know if they are polyploid copies as you say or not tho it could have been.

For instance, this is a huge issue for crop plants because they have huge, repetitive genomes and are often polyploid.

Plants can be highly polyploid, get chromes swapped out, randomly get duplicates, etc., and not seem to suffer massive problems.

By contrast, in giant polyploid prokaryotes, all genomes are essentially the same.

Polyploid in a sentence as an adjective

Yes, polyploid plants are generally healthier, because plants expect polyploidy.

Remember though that the polyploidy in plants is a fundamentally different process from the way animals speciate.

"In re: 2,"The main difference between endosymbiosis and polyploidy relates to the size and distribution of genomes over evolutionary time.

Animals evolve along different lines—polyploid mutations usually result in non-viable offspring for animal species, because animals frequently have mutations that assume diploidy, with complex machinery to favor better vs.

Polyploid definitions


(genetics) an organism or cell having more than twice the haploid number of chromosomes


of a cell or organism having more than twice the haploid number of chromosomes; "a polyploid cell"; "a polyploid species"