Rife in a sentence as an adjective

Assignment grading is rife with judgement calls - what qualifies as 'correct' work?

Our bodies run on glucose yet our diets are rife with fructose which must be converted by our livers into a usable form.

The documentation of all the major ORM libraries is rife with references to SQL concepts.

The legal system is rife with regulations and actors that are often not intended to benefit the public.

Document serialization is a rocky landscape that is rife with compromise.

The security industry is rife with imposters and pretenders.

CSS is rife with extrinsic complexity—complexity greater than the problem domain required.

I have seen old, low-end donated PCs that are rife in elementary education in rural India and I'm sure in other developing countries as well.

From Plutarch's "Lucullus":"Lucullus now turned his attention to the cities in Asia, in order that, while he was at leisure from military enterprises, he might do something for the furtherance of justice and law. Through long lack of these, unspeakable and incredible misfortunes were rife in the province.

Even as plea negotiations went forward, the implication was "plead this out or you will get 35 years".She made statements that only a lawyer could love - rife with plausible deniability for any responsibility they have in this mess.

OpenGL is a great example, with how the version 3 line was rife with attempts to depreciate the fixed function legacy cruft, and even today few developers properly differentiate compatibility and core profiles.

Rife definitions


most frequent or common; "prevailing winds"

See also: prevailing prevalent predominant dominant


excessively abundant

See also: overabundant plethoric