Prevailing in a sentence as an adjective

That is one theory, and is the prevailing one.

Why is the prevailing attitude in these comments "they have no contract with Uber, they should leave if they don't like it"?

Suggestion: It would be great to have a page on your website that explains why RethinkDB is better than the other prevailing options.

This has the potential for upending the prevailing business model of traditional PC vendors.

For them, I imagine H-1Bs are an incentive for their workers to come work in the US for the lower end of the prevailing wage, and maybe a vague promise for immigration that doesn't get fulfilled very often.

They then did the smart thing and judged her based on her demonstrated aptitude rather than on the prevailing prejudices of the dayActually, if you read the whole thing, they didn't believe her "demonstrated aptitude" because of their "prevailing prejedices".

The crappy part is that sometimes they don't even end up using those H-1Bs down the road while people like me lose their chance in the lottery.#1 and especially #2 seem to pay wages that are not really correlated with prevailing wage, they pay what they think an employee is worth.

These sorts of tendencies can be considered anti-authoritarian, but it is a reactionary anti-authoritarianism, not a healthy, well-reasoned skepticism of prevailing authorities.

If certain topics are in effect verboten due to the types of discussions they tend to breed, does that not induce a sort of hivemind effect that reinforces prevailing views?For example, if articles on Microsoft tend to get driven off the front page, while articles on Apple dominate it, that presents the appearance of the HN community being pro-Apple and anti-Microsoft, which affects the types of submissions and comments that are made, which affects the types of views people feel comfortable expressing, and eventually the types of people who choose to participate.

Prevailing definitions


most frequent or common; "prevailing winds"

See also: prevalent predominant dominant rife