Extrinsic in a sentence as an adjective

And, again, these are extrinsic rewards, and once they dry up, people stop caring.

They only have their "extrinsic" natures, their relations to other things.

The suits ate up the first term and associated it with rewards, points and extrinsic motivation.

It is only through extrinsic motivations that these kids are able to succeed: parents, peers, culture.

If anything, the music culture may be even more vital in the absence of extrinsic motivation.

If it was doing poorly, we'd expect a large drop off of people when the extrinsic rewards dry up, largely at reputation 10,000, when you get moderator tools.

CSS is rife with extrinsic complexity—complexity greater than the problem domain required.

I'd be sincerely interested in any solutions that people come up with that don't depend on additional extrinsic platform capabilities.

Drive advocates intrinsic motivation, Zichermann is all about extrinsic.

Others had “extrinsic” goals, such as achieving reputation or fame.“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” -- Albert EinsteinThe author considers "deep enduring relationships" as an intrinsic goal.

However, what happens when you introduce extrinsic motivators into the mix is what is known as the Overjustification Effect, where people start to think they are doing it for the extrinsic motivator and erode their intrinsic motivation.

He particularly rejected intrinsic motivation, which is pretty much everything anyone ever wants out of their employees, in favor of the extrinsic motivators, which creates this arms race known as the hedonic treadmill [3], where employers would have to offer more and more motivators in order to keep interest.

;PI still feel, however, that from a market-level, projects like this are bad for everyone, in the same extrinsic way that we look at people using seemingly cheap materials like styrofoam and partially-hydrogenated oils to build empires that eventually have seriously bad costs; put simply, I look at Google and VC-backed startups in the same way people look at companies polluting the atmosphere and contributing to global warming.

Note that "ramen profitable", as I understand the term, means "throwing off enough money that the operators of the business can pay for adequate shelter and enough ramen-quality calories to avoid starvation".That sounds like a pedantic distinction but it's not: ramen-profitability have runways denominated by the willpower of the founders, not extrinsic factors like "founders will soon be homeless".Beer-money profitable carries none of the same connotations.

Extrinsic definitions


not forming an essential part of a thing or arising or originating from the outside; "extrinsic evidence"; "an extrinsic feature of the new building"; "that style is something extrinsic to the subject"; "looking for extrinsic aid"