Revolt in a sentence as a noun

My kids would revolt if we cancelled our service.

How do I know this?Because Google is full of hackers who would instantly revolt.

Now, de facto, this might amount to the same thing since Apple does not want to face a revolt among its developers.

We would be reduced to hearing the news from Shakespearian harriers!I wonder if this would cause mass revolt.

The laws under which they operate require it their shareholders would revolt at anything less.

Revolt in a sentence as a verb

That's why they're constantly trying to revolt against the ***-backwards represive government they're stuck with.

I cant see the Chinese rising in revolt because they cant easily get wikipedia.

It's going to make it significantly harder to hire actual talent, it's going to cause morale decay and revolt from within the company, and it erodes Zynga's brand.

I don't think that future generations will be bothered by them anymore, unless the Government does something terrible and oppressive with them and the people find out and revolt about it.

The only thing keeping a lawless government from pulling stunts like this is the fear of citizen revolt, and even then they generally proceed if the projected revolution strength is sufficiently weak.

Revolt definitions


organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another

See also: rebellion insurrection rising uprising


make revolution; "The people revolted when bread prices tripled again"


fill with distaste; "This spoilt food disgusts me"

See also: disgust repel


cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of; "The pornographic pictures sickened us"

See also: disgust nauseate sicken