Uprising in a sentence as a noun

That is what happens when a Saudi Prince invests $300m in a tool that could bring an unwanted uprising in his country.

I think the US missed a huge opportunity in encouraging more democracy during Arab spring and even the Iranian uprising.

He started taking some of his college time to do charity work in Mexico and eventually ended up helping build houses in a Native American community that had finished an uprising against the government.

"Aside from the fact that this story is clearly made-up, the idea that a profit-seeking corporation would favor "shutting down" an asset rather than selling it because it fears an uprising of the working class is just about the stupidest ******* thing I've ever heard.

As well as the majority who really just wanted everything to carry on peacefullyAlternatively it could be that 100% of the population fully supported the revolution leading to a universal popular uprising of the oppressed - just like Russia in 1917!

For example, members of the Arab Spring uprising might have trusted cryptocat, but what if their governments were intercepting and decrypting those messages due to a flaw in the software?Bottom line, explaining away problems by saying 'nobody is going to die' is a downright dangerous statement IMO.

Uprising definitions


organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another

See also: rebellion insurrection revolt rising