Rebellion in a sentence as a noun

I think it would lead to a mix of bland groupthink and fashionable rebellion, with no room inbetween for the merely thoughtful.

The People's Republic is the upstart rebellion, and Taiwan the last holdout of the older RoC government.

"Yet, there is no enduring formula for creativity and rebellion.

It's not about the fear of failing, it's not about the fear of winning, it's not some kind of rebellion against some outside force as you pointed out.

" While this may be a somewhat accurate statement, I would like you to think a little bit deeper into the fact that this is not pure rebellion, defiance, or lack of will.

There are an infinite number of variables, biases, and contexts that foster or hinder "creativity" and the very notion of "rebellion" is defined entirely by context.

"The increased militarization of US police forces can only mean one thing-- when the government's failure to properly address fluorine sparks a rebellion, the Feds will be leading death squads across the nation.. .

The gooey nougat of the hikikomori phenomenon is, it's sort of a quiet rebellion against the complicated and restrictive social protocols that are part and parcel of being Japanese.

The only thing preventing general rebellion is statistical: the number of people who "win" the **** lottery that is interacting with the cops is very low, and it's hard to convince others that they are indeed at risk of suffering the same treatment.

If driven by US involvement, will a grassroots rebellion against the Cuban regime actually result in an open, honest democracy or will it devolve into a feeding frenzy for US interests, led by US-friendly politicians pushed into place by US operatives?

What's a few dead people in far off places if you're getting rich, right ?Meantime, US judges complain about the crazy Catch-22 goalpost moving unfairness and still people languish innocently in Guantanimo and die in what can best be described as "unclear circumstances".A nation founded on rebellion against unfair and unjust oppression, seeking life and liberty.

10 years?The government is just trying to maintain its power over the people, when federal reserve realizes there is no other alternative except to default on the US treasury, there is going to be a lot of unrest, and the internet will be a focus point of governmental rebellion, it's important everyone who accesses the internet is a felon.

Rebellion definitions


refusal to accept some authority or code or convention; "each generation must have its own rebellion"; "his body was in rebellion against fatigue"


organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another

See also: insurrection revolt rising uprising