Sicken in a sentence as a verb

"It's not really sickening or surprising that he's having trouble getting a job though.

It does sicken me sometimes, the attitudes towards women of some of the tech folks I've run into.

I thought this current government couldn't sicken me further with its conduct in this ongoing fiasco; clearly I was wrong.

It starts to sicken me to see all these nuclear energy supporters telling us how safe and limited the effect this accident has.

Recently I've noticed he's getting a little bored and I'm being very careful not to 'sicken' him, as this needs to be fun. I've just shown him the video for this and downloaded the code to show him that its possible in Python.

I also acknowledge that personal experience can change one's opinion... but those politicians that flop week to week sicken me.

Quite frankly, the degree of Apple worshipping on HN and that I receive plenty of downvotes for my SSD-upgrade anecdote sicken me.

The purpose of me buying insurance for employees is mostly to ensure they're healthy while working for us, and getting care so as not to sicken others while on the job.

I'm not saying that things wouldn't be scary and tumultuous for a while, but the alternative is to slowly sicken and decay into oblivion before you've had even a single century of life.

This is sickening: "I’m suffering from chronic pain, and there’s no way I can afford the $1,000 or so to get the physical therapy I need to manage this, much less the $15,000-30,000 I’d need to get the real treatments to fix my body.

Obesity of the kind found in most parts of the world is a much more tractable problem than the problems that used to weaken and sicken and **** us, and I've already figured out strategies for avoiding obesity, even in middle age and even in the environment of lavish food availability I enjoy here in the United States.

Sicken definitions


cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of; "The pornographic pictures sickened us"

See also: disgust revolt nauseate


get sick; "She fell sick last Friday, and now she is in the hospital"


upset and make nauseated; "The smell of the food turned the pregnant woman's stomach"; "The mold on the food sickened the diners"

See also: nauseate


make sick or ill; "This kind of food sickens me"