Regurgitation in a sentence as a noun

Memes and other forms of joke regurgitation don't really fit in here.

This is a shameless regurgitation of an article.

Furthermore ...", or, say, "Quite right, ..." or... well, pretty much anything that's not just the regurgitation of a boring meme.

This article is just a regurgitation of a part of a bloomberg article[0] that is already on the front page[1].

This is the regurgitation of obfuscating talking points.

I think this discussion is going to be a regurgitation of everything said in the original one.

It's just not regurgitation of existing bits of information that have already been posted hundreds of times.

My own college experience had a lot of regurgitation, but whether you make productive use out of your time there is completely within your hands.

By asking Google to limit the search date to before the regurgitation of articles started, you're more likely to find quality sources for your search.

I find it amazing you talk about mindsets that keep us in the status quo, and then you disparage IDE users and write a post full of hacker news groupthink regurgitation.

It's like you willingly got trolled...the post is a joke, and you knew it, but you still got bummed and made ominous assumptions about the person who penned a silly meme regurgitation.

This does not optimize for interesting or insightful answers, it optimizes for regurgitation.

What's the point in chiming in with meaningful discussion when there's 2,000 "chit chat" comments like "That's what your mom told me last night" followed by "That's I told your mom last night", followed by "That's what she told me to tell your mom last night", followed by another regurgitation of the previous comment in a different order.=== Why I left Reddit ===I remember Reddit back when it had tech news and startup advice.

I'll quote you again: >I found it troubling that as the liberal arts came into the modern age, I think they became more and more irrelevant to describing and enriching the world: philosophy, once a guide for humanity into the frontiers of law, ethics, science, has become a circus of irrelevant navel gazing; high-music became random and unpleasant fist slamming; literature because trite political regurgitation or stream-of-consciousness vomitus...Which philosophers are you accusing of navel gazing?

To me, the most interesting thing about that clip has nothing to do with tech, but with journalism - the show host is actually asking him some kind of tough questions and putting him on the spot instead of just giving him a stage to spew his talking points... I kind of remember when journalism worked that way, but it's jarring to see it in the context of modern "talking point regurgitation machine" journalism where the stories are written by corporate press secretaries and copy-pasted into media.

Regurgitation definitions


backflow of blood through a defective heart valve


recall after rote memorization; "he complained that school was just memorization and regurgitation"


the reflex act of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth

See also: vomit vomiting emesis disgorgement puking