Vomiting in a sentence as a noun

It's about a loved one who is vomiting blood and you don't know why and it's 2am.

He spent most of that time experiencing violent and painful vomiting attacks.

When you're dealing with side effects like loss of memory, loss of vision, vomiting, etc., people would like to know when's a good time to stay home!

Better than someone vomiting hundreds of lines of code into a single file with no systematic approach?

It seems that every news story about a minor infraction is met with snivelling cretins vomiting sadistic fantasies of prison life for the subject of the story.

This is not a test of whether you can program; it's a test of whether you can tolerate extremely stressful and potentially humiliating situations without vomiting.

Gas expelled from their bowels and stomachs caused simultaneous defecation, projectile vomiting and urination.

That said, alcoholics in the hospital vomiting blood are classically associated with esophageal varices due to a cirrhotic liver, which bleed spontaneously and then they vomit.

Everyone has seen "group action" and gets off on borderline cartoon rape and, to quote SouthPark, Japanese girls vomiting on each other... at the same time people are so alienated from each other they can barely look at others in a pub or start talking to people, so then they flock to "pickup artists" and countless self-help books teaching them yet more ways of "getting into someone else's pants" and then all they are left with is the urgent, defining feeling of having to "perform" and live up to an allegedly commonly-agreed-upon standard - instead of valuing actual human interaction and truly accepting one self and others and feeling welcome and whole in another person's presence.

Vomiting definitions


the reflex act of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth

See also: vomit emesis regurgitation disgorgement puking