Insightful in a sentence as an adjective

"Redditors" are mostly normal people, "An insightful message for discouraged students" would have been a perfectly good title to this.

One comment below notes that "Jeez, that's the single most interesting, insightful, and well-written piece I've read on the internet in a long time.

The actual technically insightful content isn't nearly as successful.

In technology we have some pretty insightful articles coming up in blogs now and then, articles where sources are cited and you can go deeper on any subject if you like.

I see plenty of insightful comments here but no one acknowledging the conclusion.>Its funny because the evening started out with a lady giving a speech about how the IT industry is alienating women.

The corresponding reddit thread is quite insightful:"It is far cheaper to make one very good chip for the highest market, and modify it slightly for lower end markets...Now, this is the part you hate: this is the only viable alternative.

This way cliques of mean/non-insightful users can upvote each other to their heart's content without making any appreciable difference in their karma value.- The above would fix the quality of articles on the front page, not just the quality of comments.

Insightful definitions


exhibiting insight or clear and deep perception; "an insightful parent"; "the chapter is insightful and suggestive of new perspectives"-R.C.Angell