Properness in a sentence as a noun

You seem eager to tell people how to think and to judge the properness of others' outlooks on life.

Aren't these function pure?And another part of "properness" - each node of a tree is a tree itself.

Also we found that allowing them to come and go out of table was hard on our sense of properness but helped our kids to eat the complete dish.

But looking at this argument:> There are two ways to evaluate the the C specification's rightness and properness.

And because the word “happiness” at the time meant something more like felicity or properness, not pleasure or “near joy” as it does today.

Who can shout the loudest; Who can rapid-fire lies and half-truths; who can redirect hatred and bile - these people seem to be the ones on top dictating properness these days.

"To what extent may a good and proper government of the People keep secrets from its People"The government may keep secrets to the extent that doing so does not erode its net good and properness.

" Is quality a thing just defined by code style and properness, or is it defined as fitness for a purpose, connection to human use and usefulness, usability or function, or lack of defects to the end user?Define "software.

Pandering means that you are giving something to someone, that they want but it is something that is immoral or improper to give and the judge of that morality or properness is the society the pandering is happening in.

Properness definitions


correct or appropriate behavior

See also: propriety correctitude