Procedure in a sentence as a noun

You can learn the procedure better than they do, and beat them on details.

The procedure was too slow for such a dynamic and hostile environment.

If you've been to Israel, you know it's a completely different procedure, and I can guarantee you it's way more secure.

There are many discussions here on HN about company hiring procedures.

Once again here on Hacker News we are talking about hiring procedures for technical companies.

I've also had this procedure done to me, albeit in a lesser volume -- it's the same process used to perform bone marrow biopsies.

CEO gets a private bathroom, private airplane, private car, meetings on the golf course, etc: normal operating procedure.

Questions about hiring procedures come up again and again on Hacker News, and I like to store electrons to conserve keystrokes.

"One of the many problems with allowing this sort of procedure is that it shapes who signs up to be a policeman, and who quits the police force.

It wasn't even on their same alliance, he went through some complicated procedure of actually selling my ticket to another airline.

Note that a brain-teaser-type test used in a hiring procedure could be challenged as illegal if it can be shown to have disparate impact on some job applicants.

Too many soldiers died because the common procedure for clearing a building broke down in structures of irregular layout and in cities crawling with hostiles.

Would you be willing to have the procedure done to save your life?RMS: The only way I could justify this is if I began developing a free replacement for that very program.

Marrow donations still require anesthesia and a surgical procedure.

I'm particularly fond of situations like this where the procedure is, for the normal person, a once-in-a-lifetime event.

"And he thinks that by doing that he is identifying winners, even as he is proud of his ignorance of about a century of research on company hiring procedures. There are many discussions here on HN about company hiring procedures.

The key point: "ASI [Automatic Semicolon Insertion] is an error correction procedure.

Company hiring procedures and their effectiveness is a heavily researched topic, but most hiring managers and most job applicants haven't looked up much of the research.

An experimental surgical procedure is being conducted, and nothing is recorded outside on elderly doctor's brain?

' This is the general answer for review of current security procedures: we should check whether they are worthwhile for the amount of improved security they promise to provide.

They look thick and serious, but if you actually read the claims, you will soon realize that it's nothing but an obvious and straightforward procedure for deciding when and with whom to establish a VPN.

In fact, as was pointed out by a kind reply to that comment, I have prepared this FAQ document in advance, because questions about company hiring procedures frequently come up on Hacker News.

If a non practicing entity has a patent invalidated they are also put through a bankruptcy style procedure whereby a trustee takes a look at what moneys were derived from licensing the invalid patents.

That made me think of a way to evaluate the hiring procedure mentioned in this blog post--do empirical validation of whether people hired through that procedure really do better work over the course of their career than people hired through other procedures.

This is interesting because it means that instead of a traditional blood draw with a needle and vial requiring a trained phlebotomist and healthy veins, physicians can use blood collected from a finger stick -- a far less invasive and painful procedure.

As much as everyone wants to think doctors are only interested in lining their pockets, the reality is that most of us simply don't want your grandparent going blind in one eye because a minimum-wage tech at a compounding pharmacy failed to follow appropriate sterile procedure.

I had clerked for a federal judge who applied "old school" philosophy to the handling of civil disputes - that is, let the parties have maximum scope within the rules of civil procedure by which to fashion and try their cases, with the judge doing minimal supervision as needed just to keep them in bounds.

But, since you only made it through the few paragraphs of the paper, you missed an intuitive explanation that's right there on that page from an paper reproduced by that blog post:Stated informally, the k-means procedure consists of simply starting with k groups each of which consists of a single random point, and thereafter adding each new point to the group whose mean the new point is nearest.

Procedure definitions


a particular course of action intended to achieve a result; "the procedure of obtaining a driver's license"; "it was a process of trial and error"

See also: process


a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work; "the operations in building a house"; "certain machine tool operations"

See also: operation


a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program

See also: routine subroutine subprogram function


a mode of conducting legal and parliamentary proceedings