Subprogram in a sentence as a noun

You'll write a line or two of code, or maybe an entire subprogram, and you'll retain what you've learned.

So some headers are visible only inside of the "subprogram.

I remember calling them subprograms and TSR's were things like memory managers and drivers.

I can't remember if you could switch between them or the subprogram had to exit before control was returned to the the calling program.

The subprograms aren't "libraries" in a sense that I do much faster changes to the "interface" but just having them makes everything much more maintainable.

"Plan" seems to mean "program", so "Unterplan" is literally subprogram, and it had a facility to automatically return to the point where it the subprogram was called.

>could you switch from the subprogram back to the main program without exiting the subprogram?There were TSR task-switcher programs to do that, effectively allowing you to turn normal programs into TSRs.

I've got a Political Science degrees from a subprogram specialized in the pragmatics of US electoral politics at all levels; “Law & Order” is, I know, entertaining to a lot of people, but it's not really a guide to reality on, well, anything.

Subprogram definitions


a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program

See also: routine subroutine procedure function