Subroutine in a sentence as a noun

A subroutine is a slave, the caller is a master.

So you'd have to first copy your subroutine from ROM to RAM, and then jump to it.

Sub native_assignment { \n die "Too few arguments for subroutine $!

For years I wrote lines and lines of code without a single function, procedure or subroutine.

What you usually want is an inter-process subroutine call.

Only two years before, I had sat in a coffee-room discussion of what it would mean for a subroutine to call itself.

Once upon a time, premature optimization was writing a subroutine in assembly because you "knew it would be slow.

So the "cancer subroutine" is really just a re-run of an embryonic developmental program.

Questions raised but unanswered were whether recursive instances deserved to be deemed the "same" subroutine, and, if you could do it, what good would it be?

The exact same problem is seen in the programming world when people move from functions as an idea of a subroutine to being treated like a first class citizen.

I remember creating an interrupt subroutine in assembly on my commodore 64 that listened to the push button on the joystick and quickly changed the background colors on the screen.

Someone checking in version after version of a subroutine, trying to get it correct, when that subroutine is doing something that is provided by the underlying operating system.

What we believe is that when these mechanisms malfunction, the cells revert to the default option, a genetic subroutine programmed into their ancestors long ago, of behaving in a selfish way.> Lineweaver and I suggest that genes that are active in early-stage embryogenesis and silenced thereafter which, by our hypothesis, are generally the ancient and highly conserved genes may be inappropriately reactivated in the adult form as a result of some sort of insult or damage.

Subroutine definitions


a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program

See also: routine subprogram procedure function