Postulate in a sentence as a noun

To put my comments in another light, let me postulate this.

The one you postulate is that the CEO lacks assertiveness.

The stances I employ or postulate to sway others are a sub-set.

You don't need to be an attorney or a jurist to twist words around, postulate social contexts, and invent hidden meanings.

To get Euclidean geometry, for example, you need the parallel postulate.

We can postulate, and guess, but we can't know if our countermeasures are successful until they fail catastrophically.

I can postulate coming for a face-to-face interview, but I would never want to move to California.

To get any more absurd, you'd have to postulate the existence of a tenured English professor at Yale who has never heard of Shakespeare.

You can then postulate that our Open Graph average is actually higher as the sites that are shared more are optimized to be shared in Facebook.

Postulate in a sentence as a verb

[...] I postulate that this common structure will be part of one possible deļ¬nitive programming language".Then we have four conclusions:1. the notion of declarative programming is a the 'core' of programming languages2.

It's natural to ask how many postulates you need to decide all interesting mathematical questions, and there's no reason to assume the answer to that question is finite.

For instance, the necessity of the parallel postulate for Euclidian geometry and the existence of non-Euclidean geometries where it doesn't hold were demonstrated in the 19th century.

Is it really so unreasonable to postulate that the solution to our obesity pandemic is to remove the dense and less-satiating sources of calories and replace them with fibrous fruits and vegetables that contain many more micronutrients?

You can do the above exercise with the currents in the same direction to see that relativity would then postulate that the protons in the other wire have greater apparent charge density than the electrons, causing a net attractive electric force observed as magnetism.

The fact of your success, while correlated to your hard work and undoubtedly facilitated by your hard work, is nonetheless not the sure result of hard work; the ability to be able to even postulate a direct causal relationship is a luxury afforded you by the fact that you did, in fact, succeed.

They say they would buy everything if it was available in a way that jives with them and postulate that the masses will run out and buy everything.. and maybe they will, but as one of the 'computer guys' when most people ask about how to use torrents and you ask them why they want to know usually they just want to get something without paying for it.

We'd have to lose the ability to cross the world in timeframes on the scale of a human lifetime, and even if you postulate a total civilization collapse and a total loss of all knowledge, we know that civilization could return to an Age of Exploration-level of capability in a mere few dozen generations even under the absolute worst case scenario that still has humans left to talk about at all.

Postulate definitions


(logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning

See also: posit


maintain or assert; "He contended that Communism had no future"

See also: contend


take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom; "He posited three basic laws of nature"

See also: posit


require as useful, just, or proper; "It takes nerve to do what she did"; "success usually requires hard work"; "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"; "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"; "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"; "This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent"

See also: necessitate need require take involve demand