Involve in a sentence as a verb

" A lot of it didn't even involve me.

I have to laugh at the claim that there is "No need to involve your IT adminall you need is Globus Online.

This stands in pretty sharp distinction to the Kima terms, which involve preferred stock and a number of strings.

It arises out of this really distressing attitude that every dispute must involve "good guys" and "bad guys.

The old ways of doing things almost all involve editing a text file and then restarting all affected applications.

This is exactly google's strategy with android, except that it doesn't involve users buying content.

My research was brief, but I couldn't find an easy way to exchange small amounts of BTC for USD that didn't look terribly sketchy or involve a lot of fees.

There are in fact religions that do not involve "imaginary friends" and interfere little with modern scientific outlook.

If the app's data is going to be complex, require server-side logic or have any kind of complexity that would involve optimized API calls?

"Certain people are extremely sensitive to what they perceive as improper or demeaning interaction, even when it doesn't directly involve them.

The situation is that often a large function will be composed of many smaller, clearly separable steps that involve temporary, intermediate results.

I would like to further suggest we end the use of the word "war" in contexts that do not involve mandatory conscription and the deaths of large numbers of combatants until one side totally surrenders.

But that does not mean a private party should be able to indiscriminately sue anyone around who happens to be offering services that involve some form of money handling, or their investors, for the results of the existing system.

In such cases, with institutional investors, you may still find yourself arguing about valuation in negotiating caps but the process is nowhere near as involved as it is with a typical equity round and founders with leverage can usually dispense with caps as well.

One of the common stereotypes within the IC regards the fact that Mormons are heavily overrepresented, for various reasons that involve foreign language skills from mission trips, a reputation for respecting authority, abstinence from *****/alcohol, family connections, ease of gaining security clearances, etc. The stereotype in the IC regarding Mormons is they never "question.

Involve definitions


connect closely and often incriminatingly; "This new ruling affects your business"

See also: affect regard


engage as a participant; "Don't involve me in your family affairs!"


have as a necessary feature; "This decision involves many changes"

See also: imply


require as useful, just, or proper; "It takes nerve to do what she did"; "success usually requires hard work"; "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"; "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"; "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"; "This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent"

See also: necessitate postulate need require take demand


contain as a part; "Dinner at Joe's always involves at least six courses"


occupy or engage the interest of; "His story completely involved me during the entire afternoon"


make complex or intricate or complicated; "The situation was rather involved"