Causal in a sentence as an adjective

I think there's a pretty clear causal link.

[3]In other words, is HDL a causal protective factor?

It is by no means trivial to assume the causal direction.

[2]Finally, we have to wrestle with the issue of causality.

Therefore, based on that J% increase in HDL-C, we expect a K% decrease in heart disease if HDL-C is a causal biomarker.

It certainly doesn't demonstrate that the act of chewing has any causal relationship with their findings.

There is a direct and measurable causal relationship between number of LOC and number of bugs.

" I like the Facebook example from a recent article on causal consistency: I de-friend my boss and then post that I'm quitting.

Assuming, again, that systemic flows of educated people are the main causal factor in wealth changes, as Diamond claims.

These guys have all admitted to doing stuff like stealing mainframe time, ripping off code, causal hacking, pushing around the old guard, violating all manner of rules, etc.

It means that the fewer causal dependencies between parts of your program, the more freely you, the library, the language, and the CPU can rearrange instructions to improve throughput, latency, etc.

What the court said was that unless Apple could prove that there was a "causal nexus" between Samsung infringing the patent and people buying Galaxy Nexus phones, there was no irreparable harm because of lost market share.

The truth is we don't know because we aren't given any more details.> almost immediately the conversation that I thought was supposed to be causal turned into something very inappropriate.

When one traces things back up a causal chain, one can theoretically identify every individual actor who made technical innovations that culminated ultimately in a particular bad use of whatever type that afflicts us today.

Causal definitions


involving or constituting a cause; causing; "a causal relationship between scarcity and higher prices"