Perspective in a sentence as a noun

Just to keep things in perspective, the goal of Touch ID is not to be unhackable.

Hi everyone -A full post-mortem is coming, but here's what happened from my perspective.

And who cares that it's video; from Comcast's or Verizon's perspective, it's just an awful lot of bytes.

From the American perspective, 9-11 was a terrorist attack and Pearl Harbor wasn't, even though they both inspired terror.

Their response is one of problem-solving instead of confrontation, seeking to find a synthesis of the new perspective and their own.

Your perspective really is something that I think a lot of people feel but don't necessarily share, and I commend you for having the courage to do so.

Not to psycho-analyze too much, but the lack of vote scores removes the pressure to have the best comment or a better score than someone that has a different perspective.

If you're the kind of person who sees programming languages as mere tools --- and I think that's a totally legitimate perspective, personally --- you might find Golang very pleasant to use. I don't know that Golang is a great language, but it is an extremely well-designed tool.

EA is selling a completely broken product - and I mean that from the perspective of the average consumer, not the nerd who thinks all DRM is broken - and they're doing it for absolutely no reason.

You've already made a significant investment into the company, and from their perspective, an ideal/successful squeeze-out is one that deprives you of that ownership interest entirely.

It is easy to disparage the Encyclopedia Britannica from a modern perspective - out-of-step, overpriced, outmaneuvered by competitors - but there is a great sadness here at the demise of something that represented an effort by western scholars to "capture the world's knowledge.

"Here Mr. Khan stands exposed as possessing a historical perspective steeped in academias standard issue, postmodern, left-leaning narrative of cultural relativism, multiculturalism, and moral equivalence.

But in a Europe coming out of feudalism where they were trying to define national loyalties and borders, worried about losing territory to the neighboring country, worried about all sorts of things that look foolish from a modern perspective, well, if Jews weren't going to care if they were Polish or Russian, that was a huge problem.

Perspective definitions


a way of regarding situations or topics etc.; "consider what follows from the positivist view"

See also: position view


the appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer