Parapsychology in a sentence as a noun

Yes, that's the point - the fact that parapsychology passes these criteria throws the rest of science into doubt.

So why can't we draw the conclusion that parapsychology is as legitimate as other branches of science?

But her rejection of parapsychology was pretty complete, and that text for example did not make reference to it.

Except the author isn't implying that parapsychology isn't nonsense, they are implying that many other fields are nonsense too.

So my question remains: what is it about parapsychology that makes option two even valid to consider?

"Outside of parapsychology, cold fusion, and free energy devices, how are you stating that this occurs as a regular practice?

It's most clearly expressed in this paragraph:> This is not a criticism of Bem or a criticism of parapsychology.

Alternatively, you can read it that the author is defining strict as, 'Something that would make me believe parapsychology.

After reading that article, I actually came away with a very positive view of the field of parapsychology in general.

Our evidence for how physics works vastly outweighs current parapsychology research results.

Jack Parsons, who was quite into parapsychology, phrased it quite neatly: It's when science becomes closed minded and degenerates into ancestor worship.

"The control group experienced equal amounts of stomach aches" when the placebo was laced with stomach ache inducing stuff!About parapsychology as mentioned in your link: Personally, that stuff scears the **** out of me. I just like to think there is more between heaven and earth than we know...

There is also a separate pre-register for parapsychology trials in general.

Probably the reason she was able to study parapsychology early in her career was that it was during the cold war when there were branches of the US government that took ESP seriously, and wanted to prove and exploit or disprove it before the soviets.

So... I know next to nothing about parapsychology itself, but have seen a lot of the drama around it, and I just have to ask: is it not intellectually dishonest to call something the 'control group of science' when their results overwhelmingly support the hypothesis?

There have been lots of scientific studies involving randomness in fields as diverse as economics, game theory, gambling behavior, and parapsychology; if 'luckiness' was a measurable characteristic of people then you'd expect it to reliably show up in such contexts.

Proper Noun Examples for Parapsychology

Parapsychology is physically impossible, and the evidentiary standards in physics are much higher, so we have much more confidence in our physics results than in these experiments - enough that we can reasonably say that physics is true and parapsychology is false.

Parapsychology definitions


phenomena that appear to contradict physical laws and suggest the possibility of causation by mental processes