Panicky in a sentence as an adjective

Late, panicky scramble. And now add the fact that MS seems to be launching MS Office on iOS soon.

Still, if the panicky guy is unconsciously trying to out-muscle you, well, then you reach over and punch him in the face. If even that fails...

The last thing I want in such a situation is a panicky human losing blood and going into shock trying to drive a car as fast as they can.

- And on top of that I encouraged them to not get overly panicky if something happened with the phone - after all it's just $80 bucks. So they were pretty good testers, and I got back the phone and it still works.

The way I see Google from the outside they don't seem to be panicky when entering new markets. Half of the internet already belonged to them before Android, it's not like do or die in their case.

Including panicky calls from the client when the app suddenly stopped working. The maintenance windows used to plop right in the middle of my client's busy time, once a month at least and often more.

I don't see tons of profit there, given panicky investors, but the fundamentals are more than sound enough to prevent a total collapse. It's not like the market is trading at insane P/E ratio.

If I try to force it out I get panicky and my chest starts to hurt. It is the strangest feeling and when added to that the fact that I'm completely aware how irrational and, well, stupid that is just increases the mental scuffle I'm going through.

And I love how none of this is about the child - it's all about managing the neuroticism of panicky helicopter parents.

People are again panicky about this, just like they are as IPv4 has gone through every major transition. But the solution is already known: it's called carrier-grade NAT. ISPs will be NATting at their side, so multiple customers will appear to have the same IP address.

People are myopic, panicky creatures. We elect representatives who make educated decisions for us.

Explaining that to a bunch of panicky stockholders who just saw a Big Ugly show up on the cashflow statement is mandatory, no matter how much they care about the long-term.

I think that, much like the reaction to the WTC/Pentagon terror attacks was worse than the attacks, the panicky reaction - bailouts and stimulus - has been much worse than the problem they tried to fix.

That makes them panicky and stupid when it comes to operational concerns... and it's bad for culture, but no one cares about "culture" in something that exists to be bought by Yahoo in 3 years.

I just think that next year is when that should happen and jumping the gun would be a panicky amateur move that Apple would be idiots to make. Long term iPad margins will be lower than they have been up to now, but that's inevitable one way or another and Apple are doing a great job managing the transition.

He still gets that panicky look in his eyes and starts rambling on nonsensically when you ask him what exactly he does there. He was a lot better at pretending to be busy than I was, and wasn't as gung-** about wanting to be let go if they couldn't find anything useful or challenging for him to do than I was.

But trying to salvage the panicky pure-ecologist view is in my mind frankly irrational. The one guarantee in life is change, and projecting out the present conditions into the indefinite future as a static precondition is always wrong.

Quibble: the terrorists don't want your life, they want your attention, and more specifically, your panicky attention. Political reactions like Bloomberg's help keep the terrorism availability cascade rolling.

Or you could have that followed by panicky money printing resulting in weird localized hyperinflations, short-lived explosive bubbles, etc. Various economic graphs such as stocks, bonds, exchange rates, etc.

Weve worked out a system where she watches my face closely when Im interacting with the clerk or waitress so she can smoothly step in at the slightest quizzical or panicky expression and say stuff like Yes, well both have that drink, thank you. For now, Im saving up for a cochlear implant, so Im optimistic that Ill manage in the end, especially with the help of my sister along the way.

I no longer have the panicky feeling that a ton cold water on your skin gives you for more than a few seconds when I take my cold showers Ive trained myself to calm down and overcome this natural response. And Ive noticed this ability to temper my response overlap into other areas of my life" If you haven't tried taking cold showers regularly you might be surprised by the results.

There has been lots of recent pieces of legislation and precedents created in a panicky environment as a response to the banking crisis. Personally I believe that is possible and preferable to maintain free movement and trade without that being translated into centrally insured and regulated banking, just like it should apply to local drug policy.

Panicky definitions


thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation; "became panicky as the snow deepened"; "felt panicked before each exam"; "trying to keep back the panic-stricken crowd"; "the terrified horse bolted"

See also: panicked panic-stricken panic-struck terrified frightened