Frightened in a sentence as an adjective

I got a bit frightened that I might "have to" become an author. I'm not that good at writing, to be honest.

Those who read about Therac-25, get frightened, and work very carefully on such systems. 3.

I actually felt depressed, anxious, frightened, and dispaired going through that code.

Now about the content itself - as someone from outside of the US, I'm amazed and frightened at this phenomenon. There were similar threads on reddit with people with over 200,000$ of debt.

Millions of people stayed at home an entire day, frightened, watching the news and waiting for a 19 year old to be captured by a heavily militarized police force? In the 21st century?

I am so tired of all the advocacy, yet terribly frightened of the implications. Isn't it enough that Apple made a great, ground breaking product that enriched us all?

I honestly don't know whether to be impressed or frightened by the level of obsessive attention to detail on display here.

At my last job the IT guy, who had at some point been frightened by soap and had since managed to evade it in every form, would come and stand in front of my desk for as long as it took for me to acknowledge him. He could not be out-waited.

If he had been a shaky, insecure, frightened teen, this kind of treatment can push mild depression into thoughts of *******. And many adults are also vulnerable to this kind of abuse.

This approach is, I believe, the only way to convince an unreasonably frightened American public to back change.

I took enough Math, CS and Electrical Engineering courses to be utterly frightened by what I don't know. This means that I also over-estimate what other people know.

Mostly I'm just frightened for the future. It's very disheartening to watch civil liberties be dismantled so rapidly.

PS You should be very frightened. The industrial control systems industry are slow to adopt new tech/new best practices/anything else new; and even more reticent to touch anything that "works."

I don't feel frightened not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell.”

These people have always frightened me a bit because they just don't understand what the people who work under them do. You can't sit in a meeting and explain a new concept to them, you have to completely design a working product and walk them through it step by step.

Because I am a competitor, and I am cutting the bottom out of their market by doing my own internet-based distribution, they are frightened. Rick Falkvinge and the religion, Kopimism, made my day.

The attackers unload their bitcoin before the price gets smashed and presumably buy it all back again from frightened speculators. If anything it might be a positive sign for bitcoin that the attackers are keen to acquire it!

For a forum that supposedly loves "disruption" everybody seems to be really frightened when it actually happens.

We think that what they really want is to stream music over their pet's collar" Third episode: "Well, who knew that Cocker Spaniels are frightened by Ke$ha? So we're pivoting, and what we're going to focus on now is overnight construction materials delivery.

In reality, the rest of the world sees a frightened bully, and they're not falling for it any more. They go to places like Istanbul's airport, or any of the hundreds of other airports around the world that have extra screening set up exclusively for US bound flights, and they see weakness.

Whenever I find myself having similar thoughts I reread Willa Cather's story, "Paul's Case", here's the relevant part, the very end: "He stood watching the approaching locomotive, his teeth chattering, his lips drawn away from them in a frightened smile; once or twice he glanced nervously sidewise, as though he were being watched. When the right moment came, he jumped.

They were one of the first silicon-valley companies to have technical interviews, and so it frightened all the unqualified candidates who couldn't just coast in on good conversation skills. Before Google, the company with a reputation for impossible interviews was Microsoft.

People are more frightened of things they don't understand, so effective advocacy of nuclear power requires making the effort to bridge the information gap. Also, people find concentrated acute harm more scary than dispersed chronic harm, which is why the idea of a plane crash is more disturbing than the larger number of people killed in road accidents.

Buyers – whether jewelry and industrial users, frightened individuals, or speculators – must continually absorb this additional supply to merely maintain an equilibrium at present prices. A century from now the 400 million acres of farmland will have produced staggering amounts of corn, wheat, cotton, and other crops – and will continue to produce that valuable bounty, whatever the currency may be.

Buyers whether jewelry and industrial users, frightened individuals, or speculators must continually absorb this additional supply to merely maintain an equilibrium at present prices. A century from now the 400 million acres of farmland will have produced staggering amounts of corn, wheat, cotton, and other crops and will continue to produce that valuable bounty, whatever the currency may be.

Perhaps the real difference between adolescence and that kind of adulthood is the fact that adult craziness is mainstream and socially sanctioned, so it's not seen as crazy, while teen angst is considered proof of immaturity because it's not 'responsibly' frightened like adults are.

Frightened definitions


made afraid; "the frightened child cowered in the corner"; "too shocked and scared to move"

See also: scared


thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation; "became panicky as the snow deepened"; "felt panicked before each exam"; "trying to keep back the panic-stricken crowd"; "the terrified horse bolted"

See also: panicky panicked panic-stricken panic-struck terrified