Scuffle in a sentence as a noun

This reminds me of the scuffle about pink.

This is why there was a bit of scuffle, as you may recall, about video formats on the web.

But more importantly, note this part of your quote: "hasn't been in so much as a scuffle since primary school".

There's a "your provider dropped your favorite shows" scuffle every six months.

There was a scuffle, one of the cops got a minor injury from the scuffle, and Parentsky was cuffed.

Somehow the current scuffle between uber and regular cabs seems to miss the joke.

You want to bring sidearms into a nation to protect yourself from 'not so much as a scuffle since primary school'?

The important thing is to not scuffle around a carpeted room with your wool socks on and then pick up the memory.

"A scuffle ensued which ended when police tasered Li."So they didn't tase her for simply trying to buy to many iphones?

Scuffle in a sentence as a verb

While getting into a scuffle is wrong, it doesn't and shouldn't lead to life-altering penalties.

In reality, the event was a scuffle between some hackers in a chat room, which resulted in some minor hacking, name calling, and prank phone calls.

Corporations shouldn't have the power to destroy your personal life over what amounted to a business scuffle.

I think there's a really good chance it would have been reduced to a partisan scuffle and people that identity Republican would have been less inclined to find it offensive.

After moving to the US 2 months ago I find there's very little drinking, people never smoke in offices, not many people smoke at all, and I haven't seen a single scuffle outside a restaurant yet.

I suppose it'll be interesting to see the "failure" rate for these cameras, how often someone "forgets" to put it on, and how easy it is for the camera to get "damaged/stepped on" in a scuffle.

You can't make this stuff up:"A scuffle broke out at the scene of Banksy's latest piece in Williamsburg as a building manager and bystanders manhandled a vandal who tagged over the piece [of graffiti].

Seems like they decided to take the "pick a fight" approach to publicity quite literally...Although I'm getting bored of this little scuffle, I am glad that they made some noise initially because it let me know that I wasn't crazy.

If someone kills someone over a video game, if people get into a scuffle after they run into each other on segways, or if some other drug is involved than alcohol, suddenly personal responsibility takes a back seat and moral panic rears its head.

Scuffle definitions


disorderly fighting

See also: hassle tussle dogfight rough-and-tumble


a hoe that is used by pushing rather than pulling


an unceremonious and disorganized struggle

See also: scramble


walk by dragging one's feet; "he shuffled out of the room"; "We heard his feet shuffling down the hall"

See also: shuffle shamble


fight or struggle in a confused way at close quarters; "the drunken men started to scuffle"

See also: tussle