Organize in a sentence as a verb

I wish it was a valuable tool for you, to help you organize how you're sharing content with people you know.

So maybe it would be some sort of solution, in the worst case, to organize a boycott of any person or company that works on it.

It is just the pesky Internets that lets "domestic terrorists" like Occupy organize and share idea.

I finally realized I could use my newly acquired Apple II to organize my disorganized notes and help in editing.

Didn't mean that having no exceptions is insane - but that if a language has exceptions, the sane thing to do is to organize them in a hierarchy with a single root.

We should be sensitive to opportunities to organize schools in ways that promote young people having responsibility and freedom to grow while they are still minors.

It's a recognition that your view of the people that you know, and what they think, and how they're talking, is information - information that they're trying to help you organize, if you wish to use their tools.

I've helped to organize large conferences in the past, and right now I'm organizing a reception to honor some prominent Boston-area acousticians.

John D Cook has a lot to say about this: [1]"One of the marks of a professional programmer is knowing how to organize software so that the complexity remains manageable as the size increases.

In contrast, it is extremely difficult to sell an unincorporated/unorganized business, and you will essentially always recognize the gain in such a sale.

If I edit the DOM in Firebug or Inspector should I get sued?Going after people who make tools that help me organize, manage, and control my consumption of the Internet firehose is absolutely wrong.

Compare Ballmer's long, complicated memo to Google's mission statement: "to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful.

A woman who already speaks and organizes events is writing and illustrating a children's book about programming–and some of you sit and criticize her motives, pedagogy, and presentation skills from your desks.

It takes the ability to internalize massive amounts of detail, organize it into some coherent frame work and then communicate that framework as needed to various levels in the language they understand.

Organize definitions


create (as an entity); "social groups form everywhere"; "They formed a company"

See also: form organise


cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea

See also: organise


plan and direct (a complex undertaking); "he masterminded the robbery"

See also: mastermind engineer direct organise orchestrate


bring order and organization to; "Can you help me organize my files?"

See also: organise coordinate


arrange by systematic planning and united effort; "machinate a plot"; "organize a strike"; "devise a plan to take over the director's office"

See also: organise prepare devise machinate


form or join a union; "The auto workers decided to unionize"

See also: unionize unionise organise